CLK.TXT File (c) Hewlett-Packard Company, 1990. OVERVIEW -------- The CLK application keeps the system clock as accurate as possible by synchronizing the clock with a time standard, and using the accumulated adjustments with the elapsed time to compute the necessary correction amount/rate. It is especially useful for applications like navigation that require extremely accurate times. Adjustments are made relative to the nearest number of 1/2 hour time-zone changes. All changes that are multiples of 1/2 hour are assumed time-zone changes (and ignored in error correction computation); other changes are assumed error corrections. For example, a change of +1:35 is assumed to be +1:30 time-zone change (ignored) and +:05 error correction (the clock is 5 minutes slow). A change of +1:25 is assumed to be +1:30 time-zone and -:05 error (the clock is 5 minutes fast). Similar examples apply for -1:35 (-1:30 time-zone and -:05 error) and -1:25 (-1:30 time-zone and +:05 error). PROCEDURE --------- 1. Using Kermit, load CLK into your HP 48 HOME directory. (Don't use the HP 48 built-in TIME SET/ADJST operations while this application is active.) 2. Press [VAR]{CLK} to access the application. 3. Enter a list containing the minimum interrupt rate and the maximum clock deviation allowed, press {C.RST}. (This initializes the application.) 4. If necessary, enter a list containing the current time and date, press {C.SET}. 5. Enter the desired adjustment, press {C.ADJ}. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 as needed. 7. Press {C.XCT} when the clock is synchronized. 8. Wait a few weeks and then repeat steps 4, 5, 6, and 7. 9. Press {C.STS} to review the status information. 10. Press {C.SSP} to suspend the correction alarm cycle temporarily; press {C.CNT} to continue the suspended correction alarm. 11. Repeat step 3 to cancel the correction alarm and reinitialize all CLK variables. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: If you abort the program, flags that were changed by the program will remain changed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER MENU KEYS -------------- The following five programs make up the user interface to this package. Each will give an error message if the expected input is not found. The error message attempts to indicate the form of the input expected. Time input should be in the form HH.MMSSs, and date input should be MM.DDYYYY. {C.SET} - Takes level-1 list containing the current time and date. The clock is set to this time/date. {C.ADJ} - Takes from level 1 the amount of adjustment to be applied to the current time. A positive amount increases the time and a negative amount decreases it. {C.XCT} - Takes nothing from the stack; tells the correction package that the clock is now exactly synchronized with the time standard. If this is the first time it has been invoked, then a time base is activated and all error corrections from this point on will be accumulated. If this is the second or subsequent invocation, then the time base is extended to this point and the necessary calculations are done to set up the clock correction package. An alarm is scheduled and the correction package will make the needed clock corrections from now on. Subsequent invocations will refine the accuracy of the corrections. {C.RST} - Takes level-1 list containing the minimum interrupt rate and the maximum clock deviation allowed (both in "time" format). The correction package is reset to a virgin state--the time base is deactivated, the alarm is removed, and further error corrections will not be accumulated (the accumulators are cleared). All variables are reinitialized and the directory is reordered. Maximum clock deviation specifies the maximum acceptable error for the clock. If the absolute value of the given maximum deviation is less than .01 second, then it is set to 1 second. Minimum interrupt rate specifies the minimum amount of time required between clock adjustments. If the absolute value of the given minimum interrupt rate is less than 1 second, then it is set to 1 minute. If the clock cannot be adjusted to accurate time with the given maximum deviation without using alarms at a more frequent rate than allowed by the minimum interrupt rate, the correction amount will be increased as needed to ensure that alarms do not occur more often. Consequently, the clock may not be as accurate as specified by the maximum deviation. This ensures that alarms are not occurring so often that the HP 48 has no time to do anything else (see the "Note" at the end of the documentation). {C.STS} - Takes no input from level 1; provides 3 pages of status information about the correction package. All pages have this header: Correction status -N- (N = 1, 2, or 3) All pages have this foot: prev:< exit:V next:> (Use the respective HP 48 cursor keys.) Display Example (package status), page 1: Exact initiated(*): 9.1455 10.301989 Deviation: 0.000025 Min rate: 1.0000 The first two lines show the time and date of the first exact synchronization. If the display shows "none," an exact has never been done. If there is an (*), then 2 or more exacts have been done and the package is fully activated. If there is no (*), only one exact has been done (errors are being accumulated but no corrections are being done yet). The third line shows user specified maximum clock deviation (1/4 second in example). The fourth line shows the user specified minimum interrupt rate (1 hour in example). Display Example (adjustment data), page 2: Timezones: 0.0000 Errors: 0.001890 Timebase: 1718.3909 The first line shows the total accumulated time-zone changes. The second line shows the total accumulated error corrections (18.9 seconds in example). The third line shows the total time included in the time base (1718 hours, 39 minutes, and 9 seconds in example). Display Example (correction data), page 3: Next correction: 11.1644 1.101990 Repeat: 22.4520 Adjust: 0.000025 The first line may be either "Next correction:" (the next correction time is displayed) or "Adjust suspended:" (the time that the corrections were suspended is displayed). The third line shows the repeat interval of the alarm (22 hours, 45 minutes, and 20 seconds in example). The fourth line shows the correction adjustment amount (+1/4 second in example). If a status is displayed for 1 minute with no keys pressed, it times out and exits. {C.SSP} - Suspends the correction alarm (if corrections are active). The status report will indicate the time of the suspension. If the {C.SET}, {C.ADJ}, or {C.XCT} keys are used while the correction alarm is suspended, the results may not be correct. ({C.SSP} is found on page 2 of the menu.) {C.CNT} - Resumes (continues) the correction alarm cycle if corrections are active. Any missed corrections will be made and the next correction alarm will be set up. ({C.CNT} is found on page 2 of the menu.) APPLICATION MENU KEYS --------------------- The {C.TLS} menu key contains subroutines and variables used internally by the application. You do not need to use them to run the application. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The alarm should work regardless of the directory path when the alarm occurs, and it should leave things as they were when it happened. However, if the HP 48 is off when the alarm occurs, it will be turned on and left on until the HP 48 times out. If alarms occur at a rate less than the time-out period, the HP 48 will always be on. If anything is being done when the alarm occurs, the alarm will either not process immediately (when a program is running, the alarm doesn't process until the program terminates), or it will abort what is happening (edits will be terminated as if the [ATTN] key had been pressed). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------